About the Journal

Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences is an Open Access international, peer-reviewed journal published and funded by the Upsala Medical Society. It has been published since 1865 and is one of the oldest medical journals in Sweden.

The journal publishes clinical and experimental original works of high medical importance. The journal always welcomes contributions from outside Sweden. Please note that this journal only publishes manuscripts in English. Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences (UJMS) is read by an international audience and makes short decision times a high priority. 

Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences accepts the following types of articles: Original Research Articles; Review Articles; Case Reports and Letters to the Editor.


Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences (UJMS) wishes to publish clinical and experimental papers of high quality that present a significant advance of knowledge in the field of medicine. We also accept unsolicited review articles provided that they are relevant to our readers with respect to scientific novelty and interest. Case reports and letters of outstanding clinical relevance may be considered for publication.


Papers submitted to Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences are subject to rigorous peer review so as to ensure that the research published is 'good science'. The journal has a 'single blind' review process: Authors are not told who reviewed their paper, but reviewers will know the identity of the authors.

Manuscripts are sent out for review electronically, and all correspondence takes place via e-mail, usually via the manuscript tracking system. Although the peer review process is accelerated by the use of electronic communication, traditional, high-quality peer-review standards are applied to all manuscripts submitted to the journal.

Turnaround time

The goal of Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences is to provide a high-quality review experience for our authors with fast turnaround times and quality reports. A paper judged to be unlikely to be acceptable by a second round of review will be usually rejected, either without consultation with referees or in response to referee reports. Overall, UJMS has a rejection rate of around 85%, with most rejections being communicated within the first few days of submission (desk reject). The average time from submission to accept is 79 days. 

Peer review process

Peer reviewers are asked to give their opinion on a number of issues pertinent to the scientific and formal aspects of a paper, and to judge the papers on grounds of originality and urgency. All relevant information will be forwarded to the author(s).

Peer reviewers will have six possible options, for each article:

1. Accept Submission (i.e. no need for any revision)
2. Revisions Required (i.e. accepted if the author makes the requested revisions)
3. Resubmit for Review (i.e. accepted or rejected after revisions have been made - paper will be sent out for another peer review round)
4. Resubmit elsewhere (i.e. if the manuscript is better suited for another journal)
5. Decline Submission (i.e. if the manuscript is substandard)
6. See Comments (i.e. if the reviewer cannot choose from any of the above)

In addition, papers may be rejected directly by the Chief Editor if judged to be out of scope or if scientifically or formally sub-standard.

When asking for revisions, reviewers have two possible goals: to ask authors to tighten their arguments based on existing data or to identify areas where more data are needed. Even formal revision may be required if the language or style is sub-standard. 


Articles are posted online in the annual volume immediately following final proofreading. The exceptions are articles destined for special numbered issues; publication of these articles may be delayed until they can all be published together at the same time. When posted online, articles are assigned a DOI number (Digital Object Identifier) whereby it becomes possible to search and cite them without delay.


Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences is published Open Access under a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 license, allowing third parties to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, and to remix, transform, and build upon the material, for any purpose, even commercially, under the condition that appropriate credit is given, that a link to the license is provided, and that you indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.

Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences is widely indexed by relevant services and databases, including PubMed Central/PubMed, Scopus, Science Citation Index, with an Impact Factor of 2.646 (2021) and a 5-year Impact Factor of 3.168. Learn more about the journal's Indexing and Metrics.

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This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons CC BY license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. You are not required to obtain permission to reuse this article in part or whole.


This journal is part of the Public Knowledge Preservation Network for purposes of preservation and restoration. In addition, all files are archived with Portico.


Authors are permitted and encouraged to post papers submitted to Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences on personal and institutional websites, prior to and after publication (while providing the bibliographic details of the latter).